Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cruising Carswell May 29, 2011

Our objective for the first day on the water was to have most of Carswell Lake south of us by the time we camped that evening, so after a little paring down of equipment, we were up and on the lake early.

Mike S. was quick on the pick up when it came to the solo canoe - not an easy task given the moderate cross-winds when not in the lee along the northwest shore.

We had lunch on an large island in the middle of Carswell Lake. We shared it with a sow and her cubs. Both parties kept their distance.

Later in the afternoon, we experienced some confusion and disagreement as to the location of the exit from the lake...

As we searched, the wind rose significantly, and three of our boats had an encounter with a small waterspout/whirlwind. It was strong enough to turn one of the canoes and Kate's pink tuque was spun off her head. Eventually Mike's GPS came through and we carried on through a series of narrows and openings.

When we got into these calmer waters, Mike S. tried his luck fishing and caught two lake trout both deemed too big for supper and thus released.

We managed to put in more than 27 kilometres before we camped for the night along an active game trail on a narrow isthmus of land that separated a small northern section of the lake from the main body.

Here we enjoyed another gourmet meal complete with beer, wine, a brilliant coleslaw made with two kinds of cabbage, peppers, and a delicious assortment of fruit.

There was plenty of evidence of bears in the site, so those who set up tents in the "burbs" at each end of our elongated encampment armed themselves with metal lids and spoons. All slept undisturbed, however.

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