Friday, June 10, 2011

Green Lake Rendezvous May 27, 2011

Brenda flew in from Ottawa and Kate & Mike from Vancouver. All three arrived in Saskatoon on Thursday evening and we (the three imports, Peter, Tim & I set off for Green Lake on Friday just after lunch. Bears, deer and moose en route added entertainment as did our supper stop. We indulged in "Indian Tacos" (beef tacos on bannock) and beaver tails at a little cafe with a very limited menu (Indian Tacos, cheese sandwiches, beaver tails, and coffee) in a converted railway station in Green Lake. Part museum, the old converted station and its proud owners shared stories of Métis culture and history in the area.

Then it was off to the Fink ranch, a few kilometres down the road. An hour later, the Alberta contingent - John & Ginny and Mike S. - rolled in.

We camped in the farmyard together with four cats and three rather portly canines.

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